Children & Youth
Sunday School
Every Sunday at 9:30AM
Sunday School classes for children age 3 through 5th grade include lessons from selected curriculum as well as arts and crafts, songs and other subject related activities.
Youth Sunday School classes for 6th through 12th grade focus on Scripture and living faith in the world.
Wednesday Night Live
Every Wednesday of the School Calendar @ 6:00PM
A midweek Christian education and fellowship program for all ages. We meet each Wednesday of the school year, aligning our breaks with theirs. All are welcomed and all are invited to join as we deepen our relationships with Jesus.
· 6:00PM -
Free Dinner (in Fellowship Hall)
· 6:30PM -
Children (Age 3 - 5th grade): Bible story, crafts, music
Youth Group (6th-12th): Bible Study and games
- 7:30PM -
Closing & Departure
Vacation Bible School (2025)
Mid July (Exact Date TBD) from 5:00 - 7:30PM
A fun-filled and Jesus-focused 4-day event for the entire community! Enjoy games, crafts, snacks, and Bible stories.
Children ages 3 (Must be potty trained) through incoming 5th graders are invited to join us! Pre-register by clicking the button below.
· 5:00PM - Registration / Dinner
· 5:30PM - Activities Begin
- 7:30PM - Time to Go Home!